His partner soon went back to work on Tuesdays, leaving Kenny in charge at home. Inevitably, the new mom would send him a text every week asking, “Is the baby OK?” Unable to resist, the creative dad started photoshopping himself and baby Alix into the most dangerous, silly, and outrageous scenarios he could conjure up.
“My girlfriend had to look twice when she received the first photo [to understand what was really going on], but it didn’t take long before she and her colleagues started looking forward to new pictures,” Kenny said. “That being said, she always makes sure that the pictures were safely made. She’s always happy with the result.”
The couple added baby Aster to their family in 2021, so now when Mom asks how the baby is doing, Kenny has two partners in crime instead of one!
1. We love how Alix priced her stuffed penguin higher than her baby sister.
2. Gotta watch out for those darn seagulls!
3. Relax… it’s just Photoshop, remember?
4. Aster is already earning her keep around the house.
5. Sometimes it’s the most innocuous pictures that scare us the most.
6. “So that’s where that was! I’ve been searching everywhere.”
7. Nothing to worry about. Just taking a little stroll!
8. Another day, another adventure with Dad.
9. Just having a little game of catch.
10. Here’s Kenny showing off the parenting skills he’s learned these past few years.
11. Let’s hope he doesn’t stick the landing.
12. “The Force is strong with this one.”
13. “Yes, of course I wrapped the Christmas presents.”
14. “Wait, was I supposed to take the baby out of the clothes before washing them?”
15. Just admiring the view!
Kenny is reminding us all that it’s important to keep a good sense of humor when you’re parenting young kids! It seems like he and his little ones are having a blast together… in spite of his death-defying Photoshop creations.
Share their wild adventures with your friends to make them smile.
Via Inspire More