A waitress found herself in tears one day after a customer left a heartfelt note of appreciation. The note was from a widow, who said it was her first time dining out alone. It may […]
A waitress found herself in tears one day after a customer left a heartfelt note of appreciation. The note was from a widow, who said it was her first time dining out alone. It may […]
A little girl’s video, cheering on the Olympics women weightlifters, was shared on TikTok and gone viral. The kid was so astonished with their “strong hands,” wishing she “had strong hands,” too. A professional female […]
We’ve all heard the pithy sayings, “Change is the only constant” and “Be the change you want to see in the world.” There’s some truth to these statements, and as research is showing us, change […]
We know that providing our bodies with good quality nutrition, sufficient hydration, and plenty of exercise plays a vital role in the state of our health. Yet, when it comes to achieving optimal well-being, this […]
Since the human body is made up of roughly 75 percent water, it’s commonly recommended that you stay well-hydrated throughout the day. Let’s face it; without this elixir of life, humans couldn’t survive more than […]
What if someone asked you, “Would you like to add between seven and ten healthy, disease-free years to your life?”. You would likely say a resounding YES and press in to find out just how […]
Five women started Shathi Sisters, a multifaith soup kitchen that distributes meals to the less fortunate in Montreal. The women meet every month to cook 100 meals. The Shathi sisters hope to expand their services […]
What if you had a phone app that could tell the difference between having a heart attack or having gas? Today, 81 percent of all Americans own smartphones; and with smartphones come a variety of […]
Halloween quickly came and went once again, bringing a flood of children looking for more treats than tricks. If you’re like most, you may only really invite pumpkins into your home during this time of […]
How often do you just stop and do nothing each day? Not many of us are good at this practice, especially since we live in such a highly productive culture where slowing down is often […]
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